Nick Castillo

Hello there! I’m Nick Castillo. I am a web and mobile app developer from Edmonton, AB Canada.

Web and Mobile Apps I've Built

I'm currently working at Paper Leaf as a developer and below are some of the apps and projects that I've been a part of.

  • FireSmart Begins at Home

    FireSmart Begins at Home screenshot

    The FireSmart Begins at Home mobile app is built for FireSmart Canada association to help the public assess their property for fire safety. The app is built on React Native which is talking to a Laravel Restful API.

    My main responsibility was building the assessment flow interface on the app plus the API endpoints that the assessment flow needed. I also connected the app to Firebase Analytics and setup the Docker instance the Laravel Restful API is currently on.

    Download the app here on Google Play or the App Store.

  • Worst Roads

    Worst Roads is a web app built for CAA National to help with the yearly campaign that their clubs run to get the public voting for bad roads in their cities. The app content is managed by WordPress while the voting process is controlled on the frontend with React and the Restful API side with Laravel Lumen.

    My main responsibility was the voting form flow. First stripping it out from default WP Theme logic and converting it to React. I was also responsible for architecting and building up the load balanced environment that the web app is housed in.

    The web app is only open during the campaign months which is around March to May which means the voting process is currently disabled.

    However, you can still visit the site: Worst Roads.

  • Epiphan Video

    Epiphan Video website screenshot.

    Epiphan Video is an e-commerce and marketing site to show and sell Epiphan products. The is also the main hub for blog articles, live shows, webinars, and product brochure and manual downloads. The website is using WordPress as a CMS, WooCommerce for all the e-commerce functionality, and Gravity Forms for lead capturing.

    My main responsibility was to build and develop the site. Most of the site's functionality is coded in the WP Emerge theme and some of the payment functionality was coded via custom plugins.

    You can visit the website here: Epiphan Video.

Websites I've Designed and Built

I had the privilege to be employed at some of the best agencies as a web designer and developer here are some websites that I worked.

Web Components I've Designed

I used to design components that I can use or that can be used by other people in their projects. Here's some of the components that I was able to do.